Osipov Alexei

Director of R&D and Sales Cloud Services Center

Alex Osipov was born in 1975, in 1998 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in engineering and physics, and in 2007 he received a second in the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Mr. Osipov has extensive experience in the market of navigation and telecommunications services, working in senior positions within the AFK “System” company group for more than 15 years.

In 1998-2004, Mr. Osipov began his career as development engineer, then as a head of development&technical support team, later as project manager for the comprehensive modernization of operator business support system in MGTS and MTS.
In 2005-2009, he headed the direction of the creation and implementation of satellite monitoring of transport, carried out a number of infrastructure projects in Mosgortrans, Ministry of Roads and Transport of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Committee on Information and Communication of St. Petersburg and other companies.
In 2008, Mr. Osipov initiated location services project for MTS corporate subscribers based on the platform developed within AFK “SISTEMA” and MTS business support system. During 2010 — 2015 years there have been established comprehensive operson and vehicle locaion services for corporate and mass market provided in Russia and abroad.


Section: “New technology platforms life in cloud”
“Main trends of the development of man’s and vehicle’s location monitoring services for the mass market”

Location services production base
Promoting and constraining factors for location services market growth
Basic mass market requirements for location services functionality
Location services monetization
Development trends
Foreign market experience

Section: “Navigation activity regulatory support”
“Normative and technical documents for providing navigation and safety of seagoing and inland vessels”

The main attention the international sea community is concentrated on specification of formulation of e-Navigation Concept and its realisation. E-Navigation Concept is based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems which is the main means of navigation ensuring location, time, a course and the speed of sea and inland vessels, on development of coastal infrastructure, expansion of of VHF data exchange systems with use of satellite communication channels and shore stations of AIS, introduction of e-mail.
The analysis of copmposition and status of development of the international and domestic normative and technical documents regarding navigation and safety of seagoing and inland vessels developed by IMO, ITU, IEC, IALA, ECE Inland Transport Committee is carried out (The IMO e-Navigation Concept; amendments to the IMO Convention of SOLAS chapter V; Resolutions of IMO; Recommendations of ITU; IEC standards; Recommendations of IALA; Directives and EU standards). National GOSTs for GNSS and AIS shipborne equipment were analized also.
The main requirements for navigation and safety of seagoing, inland waterways vessels and for vessels on the Northern Sea Route in the Arctic are stated.
A number of shortcomings of the existing normative and technical documents is noted: essential lag (and a number of standards absence in general) in development of national standards from international and in its introduction in action; insufficient quality of standard documentation, absence in GOST of a number of the key terms and their definitions which are base of requirements in the international documents; some precision characteristics of GNSS GLONASS are specified incorrectly; incomplete compliance of test methods of national standards to techniques of the international standards; there is no strict organization in standard development , passing of expert examination before the publication. Development of “The navigational Code” — one of the ways to solve these problems.