Lyapin Alexander

Situation Rooms Project Manager, Directorate of Technology and Informatization

A. G. Lyapin was born in 1961, graduated from the S. K. Tymoshenko Military Academy. Consistently worked for the Russian Federation federal executive authorities. Since 2005 he has been working in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post”, specializing in the implementation of logistics automation. Later he was appointed as the Russian Post Executive Secretary of the Committee for Information and Technology, a member of the working group on the implementation of the GLONASS technology with the interagency working group on the development and use of GLONASS, a member of the Ministry of Transport Expert Council on Intelligent Transport Systems, member of the Expert Council on Information and Communication Technology Innovations of the Skolkovo Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications.


Section: “Regional and Corporate Navigation Information Systems”
"About practical experience and issues of the large-scale introduction of the mail transport monitoring navigation and information system"

The project on equipping Russian Post transport is unique among the ones Russian companies have in terms of its scale of equipped vehicles- 14,500 A / m, as well as is territory coverage — all regions of the Russian Federation. The period of developing and deploying all hardware and software components of the navigation and information system was 4 years. The system’s basic components were deployed in all branches by 2012. Then the system was put into trial, experimental service and pilot commercial operations. All system components passed comprehensive tests during a long period of time, and the staff gained experience and skills to work with this particular system. Since 2014 the system has been fully used in all regional branches of the enterprise.